Can I run DRC/ERC from the command line, somehow?

Maybe using kicad-cli, a python script or something else?

Sounds like it is already in the development version v7.99 for eventual release with v8.

Yeah, those are not on 7 yet.

If they are working fine on 7.99 they could could Cherry Pick tem for the 7 too.

I think the general principle is that updates to stable releases don’t get any new features.

I don’t care about general principles or any other bs. This a good feature that is kind of standalone, if it is done and working, it could be ported to the current stable version.

Alternatively, you can also simply install KiCad V7.99, open a copy of your PCB in it, experiment with running the command line tools and report back any errors you find. Maybe you can even run it without changing your actual project.

I do not know what sort of side effects there are to be able to cherry pick this, and in the mean time it’s only a few more months to KiCad V8.

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It might have been like that in the past, but the past couple versions have been released roughly on time (within a month or so from schedule), so there is some indication that v8 will arrive approximately on schedule.

You take some coworker shit and rub it in another coworker’s eyes and nose. Then you do that with three others to, then run out of the room and lock the door and go have some coffee or a cup of tea yourself while they are venting their responses on each other.

Repeat every day until they give in.


It’s not being backported to 7.0 because it still isn’t reliable lol. Currently the cli erc generates more errors or less errors than the GUI depending on how it feels at the time. It won’t get fixed until there’s time during feature freeze during the next few months

Haha, good job dude.

Maybe KiBot / KiAuto could be a solution? I don’t know if it works with 7.0.


Not sure how they are related exactly, but you can figure it out on your own.

Closing. The level of profanity in this thread does not help the forum