Call for testers. (EEmodern)

I’m curious if there is a plan for the new DRC provider structure and integration into DRC widget, is it stalled at a reasonable place to hack at ?

Latest commit compiled fine, running usage and some stress tests

DRC will be a full-rewrite for 6.0. Latest thinking can be found here:

That doc probably needs some updates. I was planning on tackling ERC first and creating a common codebase for reuse later on the DRC rewrite.

Well, if you are looking for testers or help when your time is available keep me in mind, this is among the features that interests me the most.

@JeffYoung I am not seeing compilation issues on my linux box, build environment based on ubuntu 16.04 with standard packages (except ngspice-kicad pulled from the ppa)

@crasic thanks, in the meantime feel free to leave comments on that doc (or the doc Evan Shultz linked in a comment) since we can consider any public feedback when we get back to making a final plan for the V6 implementation.

@JeffYoung @pedro I can’t reproduce that problem on Ubuntu 18.04
Your latest hotkey proposal sounds good to me!

I added 2 comment balloons, if still count to the edition

New bits pushed. It’s now “complete” as far as I know, so if you find things missing please holler.

I have uploaded a build of the eemodern branch on

EDIT: Removed link as it seem like the build job has some error, it does not actually include the proper kicad exes, but only the dependencies. I will try to fix it soon.

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I there any documentation of what “eemodern” is all about? Changes etc.

It’s the modern toolset for eeschema.

If you remember the difference between PCBNew’s modern and legacy canvas, it’s the same for eeschema. The modern toolset supports selection states and operates on more of a noun-verb pattern.

Functionality should be mostly equivalent, although the new toolset does allow easy incorporation of a few features which were detailed earlier in this thread.


Thanks you! Waiting for the merge!

Branch is merged. Should be in tonight’s nightly.


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