BTS6143 Symbol Error?

Just curious about the symbol for the BTS6143 in the Power Management symbols included with KiCad 5.1.5-3.
When I bring it up in the symbol editor it shows as a BTS50080-1TEA. (which may be an identical part).
More important the symbol is missing pin 5.

Am I missing something here or is this just an error?

pin 5 is stacked with pin 1 as both are output pins. See reasoning in Electrical type of schematic symbol pins (KiCad 4 and KiCad 5) section Connecting Multiple (Power) Output Pins (Or library convention)

plus the BTS6143 simply is an alias of BTS50080-1TEA.

I don’t like the pin stacking thing much, but it does seem to work.
Other alternatives also have their own disadvantages…
Put the BTS6143 in a schematic and then edit with the Symbol Editor and moved pin1 a bit.
Then pin 5 is clearly visible in light grey.
Second screenshot also shows a ratsnest line after Eeschema -> Pcbnew with [F8].
image image

If you unstack them then i suggest you make the second pin visible AND a power out and live with the ERC error. An alternative is to make a specialized footprint that has these two pins with the same pad number and remove the now unused pin in the symbol. To be honest that sounds even worse for me as a library build that way really scales horribly (not necessarily a concern if you only make a few projects a year and limit the amount of components you use)

OK-I found the “ghost” pin 5 lurking behind pin 1.
The problem is that the datasheet for this part indicates that for single output operation pins 1 and 5 should be tied externally. Not sure how the vendor got there but I will of course follow the sheet.
So I think I would need pin 5 added as an actual pin. (I drafted up such a part from the original).

Thanks all!

KiCad does see the connection to both pins, The reason for one being set to passive is to avoid the ERC complaining about two power outputs shorting

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