BOM for Kicad 6?

Good day,
One question involving the Bom also.
I have a board, and I made the Bom from the PCB view (fabrication outputs/BOM), and I got a bom with some values of components not well. Then I did the bom from the schematic with Bom/bom2grouped_csv, and then I got the right values, why would this be???..Thanks a lot in advance

Hello Andy_P,
Thank you for your answer. Ok, but shouldnt they be the same.

Ok, but shouldnt they be the same.

No, because they are different BOM-functions. The user should use the function which suits him the most.
And additionally No, because the data in schematic/board could be different. The schematic for instance could include symbols with “Exclude from board”-checkbox set, the board on the other hand could include footprints with “not in schematic”-checkbox set. So bom-tools in schematic<->board would give different results.

if you mean “different” as in “this resistor is 10k in the schematic but not 10k in the BOM from pcbnew” then maybe you’ve changed things and forgotten to F8

@mf_ibfeew Thank you for your answer, didnt knew about that.
@antto , Yes, that was the case. I didnt do F8.
Thanks !

Once you start to get serious a smart BOM generator is needed. Period.

Making a good BOM generator is hard. And it should be customizable. I am not happy with scripts, it is not my job.

If Part # is manufacturers order code, then that would create quite good BOM. There could be several manufacturers, maybe distributors and their codes, part name and so on.

Where is that? I could see only the 2 example scripts and one in the File menu. And that was not interactive.

GitHub - openscopeproject/InteractiveHtmlBom: Interactive HTML BOM generation plugin for KiCad

Just as information for all “I want only xyz-fields and that should not be the problem” demands:
The current development-version (v6.99-nightly) has an added option to simply export the content of the symbol fields table (schematic editor). Very easy and simple, not much customization possible. Maybe someone would try and play with that feature, constructive bug-reports are always welcome.

For the stable v6.0.x-version this way of bom-creation is also possible with some more steps (for all users who don’t get the scripts to work):

  • open symbol fields table in schematic,
  • select grouping/fields-options,
  • mark and select the whole table,
  • copy with CTRL-C
  • and than insert into spreadsheet-application of choice.

I found it, and it looks much better. It looks like there is one problem in libraries. There are only Field# such and such. So field contents vary. There should be names like Manufacturer, Manufacturers order code and so on.
With only semirandom field contents, no script will work.

This is exactly the reason why at least some “basic” BOM generator which would allow selecting the columns and column order to excel format should be included by default in the kicad.

I have for example used earlier Kicad 5 and now when switching to Kicad 6, I needed to start searching again how to do the BOM on kicad 6 versions. In this way it’s vert hard to find out information from suitable BOM tool for your exact kicad version as lot of discussions points to 4.x, 5.x or event to upcoming versions. Then there is also the problem with all the time changing python versions which causes that lot of code which has been written for python 2.8 or 3.6 for example does not work anymore with python 3.9

So some kind of basic BOM generator should be available by default. It’s much easier for end user to delete and sort columns from the generated excel/libreoffice sheet, than to demand for testing different scripts and be ready for modifying them.

It is included. Just open the symbol field editor. It can show/hide columns and copy paste to excel works.

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