I appreciate your answer. Yah - i saw the thread. my take was there are several excellent efforts. However, there did not seem to be momentum behind any one. I will take my pick. I was hoping we’d all pick one together, contribute, and start using. i think i will start with kicost. However, i don’t want to modify the schema with manufacturing info so i’ll export the reference/value to csv then join this info with manufacturer parts. In this way, if down the road i change part #'s i won’t have to modify each entry in eeschema (since i don’t see a way to change for example to change a field for all 1 u caps - for example.
As for a single solution… maybe everyone is waiting on the KiCAD devs, as EEschema was the next thing they wanted to touch?.. any external/bolted on tools will be useless/need heavy refactoring if similar features come with KiCAD and/or stuff is being changed to be more like pcbnew is now (IMHO).
Currently the CLI version is stable, I’m working on a GUI version which is not complete yet.
There are a number of features which I have found lacking in both the default BOM scripts and some others I have found online. If anyone likes what I’ve done, please feel free to contribute. I have designed this to be very user-configurable (although there is only a small number of options available currently).