Assembly variants


I would like to ask for feature “assembly variants” like Eagle has. It is really helpful feature if you use one board for more devices assembly. You can edit one schematic / board and produce more variants very easy… Is it in KiCad pipeline?

Thank you.

This is being discussed in this thread.

Also some tips here, in this thread.

That’s basically a different thing, although related. That thread is about schematic and also layout variants (different kinds of circuits from one schematic design). The wishlist issue for assembly variants (different BOMs but identical schematic/layout) is #2131 (by hildogjr).


Thank you for all tips! Unfortunately all of them are different tools then I look for. It may to be a “table” tool with assemble / not assemble parameter located in source files. You can manage different assembly in parallel (not a version but variant). You can see a NC components real time in schematic, board and BOM and you can easy generate files for production… This is something not available in KiCad and I would like to ask if it is possible to have in any new software release. In my opinion it is very powerful feature and It would be appreciate to have it available!

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