Archiving 3D Models

I know there is an 3D models archive plugins made by @MitjaN.

However, the plugins icon, installed on KiCAD8 does not appear on the application menu for some reason.

Anyone, any hint?


Does it show in: PCB Editor / Tools / External Plugins?

Also have a look at: PCB Editor / Preferences / Preferences / PCB Editor / Action Plugins. It has a checkbox for whether to show the button with the icon.

thanks @paulvdh

I still have a problem with @MitjaN plugins.
For some reason what I run the plugin it’s reporting that did not find the models.

On setting I put the models correct path that is something like that on my MAC: /Users/xxxxxxxxx/Documents/KiCAD V8 libs/custom_3D

The not find list gave me something like below:

D2: :CUSTOM:8916.step
D2: :CUSTOM:LED_5mm.step
D4: :CUSTOM:8916.step
D4: :CUSTOM:LED_5mm.step
T4: :CUSTOM:IF-30-230.step

Any hint?

PS: I need to mention that CUSTOM is a path name, defined in paths (/Users/xxxxxxxxx/Documents/KiCAD V8 libs/custom_3D
) where 3D models are located. And the KiCAD version is 8.

it looks like the plugins cannot treat an alias as a path… (CUSTOM defined as path to: /Users/xxxxxxxxx/Documents/KiCAD V8 libs/custom_3D)

Can you share the archive_3d_models.log file. It should be in the project folder and the contents might help me debugging this situation.

You’ll need to change the logging level to “debug” in the settings and rerun the plugin.

archive_3d_models.log (18.1 KB)

Hi @MitjaN,
Most Appreciate your feedback. Besides the log file, I’ve upload also 2 relevant captures of my settings.

Thanks again and Best Regards,

Yeah, you’ve encoded the variable the wrong way.

The path to 3D model should be ${CUSTOM}/IF-30-230.step (PCB Editor | 8.0 | English | Documentation | KiCad).

Why the path resolution work in KiCad is beyond me. Usually if you browse to the 3D model KiCad will substitute the absolute path with environment variables automatically (if possible)

Did you enter the path to 3D model manualy? Can you delete the 3D model and add it again, but this time browsing to the 3D model to see how KiCad enters the path?

Well it will be very hard to modify all the links… I have very complex designs.
Why KiCAD asking the path in this way? I have no idea…

Can you eventually substitute :CUSTOM: with ${CUSTOM}/ as the path usually don’t contain “:”


I think it’s the old “alias” system. Defining aliases was removed in some KiCad version – at least before 7 because I don’t find it anymore in the UI – but it looks like the backward compatibility was kept for old designs, which is natural.

EDIT: ah, it’s here: Post-v6 new features and development news - #74 by marekr

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Thanks for the reference

I thought it was something undocumented. As the plugin is quite old (started with V5) and pretty stable since V6 and it already supports two different variable encoding schemes.

You can use an advanced editor like Notepad++ and open nearly any project, pcb, schematic, symbol lib, footprint lib and do a search&replace even over files and folders with file name filters and regex search. Like this you can adapt the aliases within minutes.

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