Any thoughts on AutoTRAX PCB Design Express (DEX)?

agreed. my **** is still burning. :zipper_mouth_face:

It means that everyone has his own requirements from single sided to 16 layers. Simple schematics to hierarchical. HF with crazy structures that resemble corn circles to a blinken LED. And everybody has the chance to try out software and find out if it fits his needs. I watched KiCAD years ago, and it wasn’t what I wanted. But still worth watching how they move on. Until I saw a YT how shovling traces was demonstrated in a prototype. This was my personal trigger to have another look at KiCAD. I tried it, I was convinced and I didn’t have to ask anybody.

Similar to FreeCAD. I used to use CATIA at work. I tried FreeCAD, but it was completely unsufficient for me. Fusion’s cloud-and-rent model turned out to be abolutely unacceptable for me. And now, FreeCAD is getting somewhere where I can use it. But all this is just my personal decission. No one else can and will put pressure on me.
At work, I have what I have, at home, I have what I want.

I’m hugely impressed how far KiCAD came and I’m trying to support that community effort. And again, my decission. I’m old enough.

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Time to close this thread now as it’s not about KiCad and enough has been said