Again: Symbol Library not consistent even with default datasheet data and pin numbering?

But this is ok of custom libraries as in your case, and in my case for other components.

The graphics are nearly always correct. Usually the only incorrect items are the pin/pad names and/or numbers.

Changing pin and pad numbers/names is a lot easier than also drawing the graphics.

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Definitely … indeed it requires less effort

You can only demand accuracy from your library or librarian… Everything needs to be checked and I will repeat to you once again the library is relevant only on the day of its creation or even the clock… Footprints usually do not change for years, but the purpose of outputs and other parameters can change more than once…

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This can be a problem with such an international site. English Second Language, translation services, etc. etc.

I found expressing myself with clarity and to be understood, quite a challenge, and I’m an English First (and only) Language.

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Sorry but if the component was removed from production, should it be removed from the library? Following your logic? The library is given as basic and there is the right footprint and the right circuit designation further from your imagination… A ready-made solution is possible only if you have your own own librarian, although mistakes are possible there.

being obsolete: yes. Why should you clutter a library with not-any longer existing components? just for the sake to have them?

EDIT: old projects having the obsolete components, have them into the cache of the project.

And then the question immediately arises who and when should follow this? I think the answer is obvious yourself or your librarian…

In case of my own libraries: myself of course.

in case of KiCAD’s one: who does maintain them. Not my task.

That’s why it will be very easier just to omit the specific component (as I already said), adn leave users to bound symbol and footprint accordingly to their own specific needs.

As I did for the INA preamplifiers and many other stuff.

Well you learnt something from that too, to double check the information in datasheets, no matter where it comes from. Perhaps to give equal treatment you should contact KEC and tell them that their pin numbering is non-standard. I hope you will do that.

Actually when you compare KEC’s footprint with the standard SOT-23 one, it turns out that because they changed the pin assignments for the electrodes, that canceled out the pin swap and their transistor is actually compatible with the other SOT-23 3904s.

So maybe you were unluckly to use the KEC datasheet. Better plan to also sue JLCPCB/LCSC if they were the ones you used for linking you to a datasheet with non-standard numbering.

How much did you lose? 5 boards? 10 boards? Write it off to experience.

Some people repair and restore old stuff. Some people have hoarded stuff for over 50 years and still use obsolete parts that lurk in the bottom of an old drawer.

I have 41 of these, yes, the tin can version.

They are not supported by kicad (there is no librarian) and do not force you to put them or use them… And taking into account the fact that this is not a commercial project, I must say thank you for working at all… As soon as you start using the proposed library, it becomes yours and all responsibility falls on you as well as the performance of the finished product…

Sure i will do it. Although I’m not sure what and if they will do something. But however, it’s better to try something than do not …

I did lose 20 boards.

But aside from the fact that the datasheet doesn’t have the footprint for the SOT-23 package, there is nothing factually wrong with it and anybody having the SOT-23 parts should/would go looking for a suitable datasheet.

Maybe you will consider funding a volunteer to help keep library data up to date? :wink: Could be very expensive considering how much there is to check. As said before, volunteers do this work.

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They are given with KiCAd so it’s part of it. Or it’s better to avoid them all.

So what? It’s justified that’s not cared ??? i wil take into consideration for the “offers they ask” in this case …

For this reason, personal libraries make their own on the basis of ready-made or in general… Too many directions in electronics to be good for everyone

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Be sure after have met the wrong datasheet in one case (previous topic) and the wrong datasheet-type in this case, for any component I use frequently, i put it into my own library.

This is useless work with limited resources… There are also a bunch of bugs that cannot be fixed from version 6 plus new and not just bugs appear in view of the incorrect link to the component and completely non-working parts of the program… Today you will fix the link tomorrow the manufacturer itself will update on the site and what to do? I repeat here no librarian librarian is you

I hope you have reported these problems

If you look at how this was done in altium for example, then all component descriptions are checked in real time this is an automated function… In the kicad out of the box, this is manual work, although there are python plugins that help with finding up-to-date information… Since the kickad is a free project and all comic libraries require payment, in the near future you should not expect current libraries with new components and big changes… Therefore, perceive the library as a workpiece with the need for manual labor…