Accidentally got PCBnew into some weird display mode, cannot get out

I have been using pcbnew for a while and am pretty familiar with it. I cludged my keyboard and now all the PCB graphcs are “weird” - strange outlined text, vias are white rings and it is unworkable. It might be something to do with the mysterious ‘sketch mode’ but I cannot get it out of it. I have tried opening other older PCB designs and they show the same so I have messed up the software settings somehow. Restarting PC doesn’t help. I am desperate!!

Check these buttons on the left side panel


I don’t have some of those in my version, but playing with those I do have change the view a bit but doesn’t fix it.

Your kicad version seems quite old.
You’ll have to be more specific about what you think is wrong in that image.

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Version 4? Maybe this helps… Pcb_new: What is a canvas? (default [legacy], open-gl [accelerated] and cairo [fallback]) Is there a difference?

eelik - that was it! I must have cludged F9 to get into a legacy canvas mode. Hitting F11 gets me back! the only ‘weird’ thing now is my edge cuts are outline only if you know how to fix that. qu1ck - thanks for your help, my ‘fixed’ image look like this …

You remind me that long time ago, when dinosaurs were still alive, something like this really existed.

I know, I thin kit’s for when no-one had GPUs?? :sweat_smile:

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