40193 not in my library

The 40193 is not a ripple counter but a synchronous counter 8 bits.Since for my design 8 bits is sufficiant I rather use it instead of a 4040 12bits ripple counter. But 40193 is not in my 40xx library. Is there a 40xx library which contains 40193?

I don’t honestly think the entire 4000 series is covered but fortunately it is a simple matter to make a symbol yourself :smiley: to your own requirements regarding your schematic layout and then assign the footprint for the PCB and 3D model if you desire and the jobs a good un.

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Open symbol editor and use File > Save as to place any other 16 pin symbol into a personal library.
If you don’t yet have personal libraries, see this FAQ.

Rename the symbol to 40193 and rename all the pins and set their electrical type according to the data sheet
Finally, move all the pins around to suit. Usually, inputs on the left, outputs on the right, control pins under the inputs and outputs and Gnd at bottom and V+ at top.

It’s a 5 minute job when you become familiar with the symbol editor. It is usually much quicker and easier than scouring the internet and then having to modify the symbol found anyway.

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Sorry it is the 40103 i am missing, the 40193 is a 4 bits up down counter and it is available in the library I have. Thanks for the quick reactions.