[SOLVED] 3dViewer complains about missing dlls in nightly (W10)

Checking in here before I file a bug report. Since a few nightlies (W10) I’m getting this:

Did anyone else see this?

No issues here trying the latest nightly

Thanks for checking.
The files ARE where they are supposed to be …
But then I did nothing special: just ran the nightly .exe as I always do.

Yea the error message is a deceptive one. It can be because the named DLL is missing OR one or more of it’s dependencies (more DLLs) are missing.

Wiped off all traces of KiCad from the computer, did a fresh install and lo and behold: problem gone.
Heaven knows, what happened there. Or maybe not even heaven…

I’ve had no issues either and have been adding a few 3D’s lately. [Win10/64]

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