3D view of ICs and resistors

A couple of simple questions…
In 3D view…

  1. How to show the IC sockets populated with ICs, preferably with the identifying number on them ?
  2. Is it possible to have resistors showing with color bands ?

In schematic I can edit the properties for footprint. But I seem to only have DIP sockets
available, not acual IC, for example, NE555P

Both questions have been asked before. Here’s one hit for Q1:

Actually there are 3D models for the ICs, you have to look in the Packages_DIP library for DIP footprints for example, but of course no “printing” on the IC, just the body and legs.

Q2 is harder and you’d have to be willing to generate a new 3D model for each value. Similarly if you want “printing” on the ICs.

Why do you want color bands on the resistor? It would be a ‘nice to have’ but other than that it is a bit pointless.

If I make some DIY project I simply place the value of the resistors next or underneath the resistor. You could obviously print the colors as text, but it would require a lot of space.

I know that JLCPCB has colored silktext nowadays. Technically you could print the bands on the silk layer. I do not know however if or how to do that in KiCad. Anyways this was my out-of-the-box-brainwave.


Nah, coloured bands aren’t ambitious enough. What I want would be for LEDs to be the right colour and blink if the circuit is a blinky. What’s more there should be coupling to the simulation so that the 3D model would show smoke coming out of the component if its power capability is exceeded.

:wink: TiC of course, but seriously who cares about colour bands these days when resistors are just bland rectangular solid SMDs?

My bitch is the capacitors. Usually not even printed numbers; just silver tipped boring beige blocks.

I miss the old THT colour coded capacitors that looked like licorice allsorts. :cry:

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Make your own… Here’s my video….

If you want Colored Parts, here’s my video… There’s a Link in the Info/more to my GitHub Video showing how to change Color of Stock Kicad (and other) Parts…

Color and Text on Stock Kicad Part - the simple way… (if not intending to make ‘changaeble’ part colors) is shown in video below.

The ‘Color-Per-Face’ Colored-Icon on the right-side I’m clicking is in the ‘Part’ workbench (added to my custom toolbar).

Not shown is, Compounding the final result (after adding Text) then, coloring the Compounded part and Exporting that…

May take some practice… I imagine there are other Tools out there if you explore…

The trend is to omit putting values on SMT resistors too. Partly because on the smallest types there is hardly any room left to print a value, and partly because it is still an extra step in the production process that costs money. Most manufacturers also don’t care much for repairability, although rework of new PCB’s in the factory is still common enough.

And solder fillets on a scale from NASA to bodged on with ‘lump of copper’ vintage style. Plus an adjustable slider for flux residue …

I always find it amusing how people post replies telling you what you should be doing instead of just answering the question.

Your ‘pointless’ may be someone elses desire.


For a short while, before switching to KiCad, I trialed another program, Autotrax (not the Protel one),
that did have color bands on the resistors. It also showed the IC’s in the sockets (in 3D view that is) These features were optional and you could turn them on or off.
And the LEDs were correctly colored.

Now my reason for doing this is purely aesthetic. It looks nice. Yes I can do without it, but nice to have if it was available. I’m not losing any sleep over the lack of this feature. My questions were more out of curiosity than anything else.

Also I think a 3D overlay would assist the people assembling the board. Yes, the numbers are printed right there on the top overlay, but anything you can do that reduces mistakes and makes life easier, is a bonus in my book.


I could never discern color bands on resistors I held in my hands, not even burnt out, brand new. I wouldn’t even think of trying to match colors with ones on screen.
If you want help with assembly I created a tool just for that. Works for colorblind people too.

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I complete my posting of this topic with video of simple color change… don’t need knowing anything about FreeCAD except how to boot it up and do as shown then, into Kicad, as shown.

Takes about 2-Minutes. You can grab the Resistors from link to the Colorizer software (don’t need the software, just the Resistor). Can do similar for most any part that has individual/selectable features (including your House and Horse)

I did not fuss/care about the details (or video aspect ratio…sorry. But, you’ll get the idea) - just grabbed a Stock Resistor to demo/replace.

These are all I have. Only sockets I think…

:man_shrugging: Works for me.

Your footprint choices seem to be different from mine. Here are the footprints available to me:

I’ll leave you to investigate what’s missing in your installation or modus operandi.

I see also that your led is red. Mine are all black.

Appreciate the answer.

What’s your KiCad version? Hopefully not some dinosaur like v5.1. I’m already one version behind at v7, want to upgrade my distro first.

great video BlackCoffee

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current version is 8.0.4

Off topic, but a brilliant tool to assist hand assembly of Kicad designed PCBs is the Plugin “Interactive Html Bom”. This is available for installation from the “Plugin and Content Manager”.