3D model of 3.5mm screw terminals

… and my thanks, as well.
I imported the Step back into StepUp and changed the colors (and materials) as normally done in FreeCad. Then, exported.

I have read recently. I really don’t know FC.
From KiCadStepUp to do what you wont you need only one button to use:Btn

In FC I have a problem how to get multi color element.
From my first question about it at FC forum my conclusion was:
In FC 0.18 it is not possible in PartDesign - you have to use Part.
In FC 0.19 it is possible in both WB, but I don’t wont to install nightlies.
I was reading a lot about PartDesign and nothing about Part so I started to read about Part.
I noticed some discussion about Part - PartDesign at FC forum and asked there.
I have got the file:
Capacitor_10uF.FCStd (36.0 KB)
And was told it is made with PartDesign.
That file has everything I need but I can’t get myself the tree structure like in it (this is first time I am trying to do anything in FC starting with File-New). I can get a tree like in that file after I select in it a Fusion and delete it. So I have some my name with the same icon as capacitor and 3 bodies under it. Bodies names ar the same so I suppose I get them the same way.
My problem - how to add these Fusion in the structure over this bodies.
It is the last bit of information I need to use FC to make 3D element model, I think.
I have asked yesterday at FC forum thread I got that file but no unswer yet.
May be here someone will help.

I use 3dcontentcentral.com as a source for 3d models, but can’t readily find screw type terminal blocks 3.50-4P.
Here you have 2-way version: https://www.3dcontentcentral.com/Download-Model.aspx?catalogid=171&id=499098
You should be able to use two of these side by side for each 4-way footprint to get your job done.

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Many App’s, have a host of embedded programs (plugins…) and not all play well together, e.g., exporting the same filetype from PartDesign, Part and Draft does not necessarily produce the same file output.

Having said that…

The Workbench, PartDesign is the closest thing to using SolidWorks, ProE and Inventor.

The Workbench Part is like 3D modeling programs embedded in 3D-Print software, in that the main tools are Boolean objects/shapes.

I use PartDesign and, when needing to, because of shortcomings, I’ll use Part, Draft and other Workbenches.
Just started using the Stepup workbench.

Colors in FreeCad can be done in at least two ways:
• If the model is comprised of a single Body with multiple elements, I select the Faces I want to color and use the face coloring tool in Part workbench (though I built the part in PartDesign workbench).
• If the model is comprised of multiple bodies, I change the color of the body.

I made/use Pin Blocks with 2 and 4 pins.
Loaded into a pcb for the 3D view below.

Since this aspect of KiCad is only graphic representation, I don’t care a hoot about detailed accuracy as I never use the graphic.
I Mill my PCB’s so, I care more about reasonable accuracy of part dimensions but, 0.1mm = 0.004inch = thickness of One Human Hair. So…

Very simple to make.
Many videos on Youtube and Help at FreeCad’s Forum…

4_PIN_Block.step (288.9 KB)

I tried coloring faces but my colors were lost when saved the file:
Such colored part when exported by StepUp also lost its colors (have only one color).
Don’t know what is face coloring tool in Part WB. Thanks - now I know what to serach for.

My today state: I know how to color the body, I know how to have few bodies in PartDesign. But my file with few bodies can’t be exported to KiCAD using StepUp because StepUp asks for selecting a single element to export. The file I atteched previously can be exported thanks to bodies being combined by Fusion (StepUp accepts exporting Fusion). I don’t know how to insert such Fusion. My tries with Boolean operation in PartDesign didn’t got me the result like in that file.

stepup has a union option (or use the one from the part workbench, note i wrote part not part design.)

Re: Faces
• In my FreeCad (v17) when exporting, I select filetype: Step with Colors

Re: Selecting what/how to export
• Depends on several things - too lazy to type it all.

  • It can be the Body’s name or the last body-feature in the tree-list of bodies.
  • It can be a combination. They will highlight when selected.
    (see image below)


@Rene_PoschlWhat does “TlDr:” mean?
Can anybody recommend a tutorial for FreeCAD ?

Too Long Didn’t Read. Also sometimes written as TL;DR.

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From StepUp I used only one button till now - ‘Export 3D Model to KiCad’.
I understand you that it is something which can help to make one model from two Bodies and then export it to KiCad. Getting orientation in StepUp is probably relatively easy for people skilled in FC. For someone (like me) who makes his first tries in FC and never before used any 3D software everything is generally complicated (speaking gently).

I already know enough to put special attention to notice if someone writes about part or part design :slight_smile:
After my asking at FC forum my conclusion was that probably using Part I will be able get what I wont, but as people are saying that it is also possible in PartDesign and my previous decisions was to rather use PartDesign and not Part I am trying to find how to do it in PartDesign.
I just understood that those file was done using PartDesign and trying to get myself the file with the same tree structure. I made the short look into Part and my impression was that boolean function are there for 2 elements only (but not sure - never tried to use Part). The boolean operation in PartDesign allows to add several Bodies to them one by one (I didn’t do many experiences - busy with other works), but I never succeeded with more than 2 Bodies. As in the file there is Fusion of 3 bodies it suggests me to use PartDesign to get Fusion of 3 Bodies.
I also read that it is not good idea to mix Part and PartDesign in one file.

Generally I managed to work for years without using 3D tools. When I needed to order the injection mould for designed by me plastic case I just made the 2D technical drawing of parts of case (took me 1 or 2 days) and send it to injection mould manufacturer. Now since 2 months I read everything I can found about FC and a stack of undone tasks horrify rises. I think my interest in FC should be classified as a hobby :slight_smile:

I’m not sure what I say now. When I first time tried to do something with colors (I see from the FC thread I pointed that it was 7.01) I probably (don’t remember, and not checked later) found the way to get many colors from one Body by exporting it to STEP and then opening that STEP and then modifying colors of faces and probably exporting to KiCad via StepUp.
My problem at that moment is not that I wont to get a concrete result but I wont to get enough overview of FC to feel that I know what I wonted to know. That is completely different target.
So at that moment I don’t worry how to get the KiCad part with 2 or more colors but how in hell (to hell ???) the Fusion of 3 Bodies was done. I know it is only little KiCad related. I hope someone will answer where I asked at FC forum. If not I will (in few days) setup a new thread there.
I came with it here only because I hoped that may be some KiCad and FC user just went the same way as I am going now.

In the tree view to the left select the tip of every body you want to fuse (the tip is the last entry underneath the body). Then use the fuse object of the part worbench or use the similar thing of stepup.

I however suggest you save the file before doing this as this step kind of destroys the file itself (it converts the part design stuff into part stuff which means it would be harder to edit it afterwards. Saving before this step makes it possible to change your part later. This of course means that you will need to do the fusing step again next time your want to export files.)

Where from did you know that if you didn’t written what a tip is I would not understand your advice :slight_smile:

As this are my first tries in FC I have a problems with each (even simple) step. For example when I have done fist Body and then draw a sketch for second one the first hides from me my sketch. In experiments it is not important as I can make it that way to have corners out of first body. I believe there is simple solution but I just don’t know it.
I’m also not sure what I am doing in tree view. The program answer for my clicks is surprising for me. I don’t know when Body is active and when is selected (I think it is not the same). I also don’t understand why after clicking a constraint (in table) and hitting Delete it is still there :slight_smile:
I am still reading some descriptions, and making my notes (now about sketches). The Part and Draft review are also in my plans. So I plan to follow your advise afterwards (the more I will know the easier it will be).
If it will work for me (I hope so) I think I have no more questions.

Its a pity :frowning:
I decided to ask for that Fusion because I hoped that I will just have the ready to use (and modify) file.
I think that I had the way from one Body file to KiCad through save and opening STEP file - but it is not the strait way. I suppose I can have the strait way form Part WB designed element to KiCad, but as PartDesign is more modern way I just wonted to be more modern. If from PartDesign I can’t have the strait way it suggests to go to Part (didn’t tried yet).
I will certainly check all ways I will find and make my notes to be able to repeat it after a year or two break :slight_smile:

Say you made your design in the PartDesign workbench (or Part workbench). Example is using PartDesign

Two Video’s below show example… (Hopefully vid is correct size for posting…)

I included One contact pad when making footprint but, it was only to enable seeing it placed on pcb. It was not really needed and was done crudely. If done for real purpose, pad(s) would be aligned and sized correctly… Example uses S-DIP as basis for Pad but, Can simply use the First Footprint icon and use the ‘Pad’ tool in panel.

To make a unified part from multiple bodies:
•Select the Bodies and/or Features that highlight the complete features
• Switch to “Part” workbench
•With the desired features selected/highlighted, Select “Make Compound” in the ‘Part’ workbench menu.

A unified body/feature called “Compound” will be created and added at the bottom of the Tree.

Select it (you can Rename it, if desired). Export it as .Step with colors.
Can also export as .WRL

It’s now ready to use in KiCad.

The .Step is good as-is, no scaling necessary.
The .Wrl requires scaling (I use 0.4)

No need to use Stepup.

Just wanted to let you know that 3D ContentCentral provides a more realistic 3D model of that component. It also found me other components to make the final PCB preview more realistic. :slight_smile: Thank you, @fred4u!

PS: I use the STEP format, because WRL doesn’t render in KiCad.

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